What a Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's a beautiful Wednesday! I'm happy as an Amish girl during Rumspringa.

We got some really good news about Dad yesterday. The cancer hasn't spread so his prognosis is much better than we anticipated.

The man, in addition to being a Saint, is the most positive person I know. He still has a long road ahead but he has a great attitude and is determined to stay strong.

A HUGE thank you to all of you who sent your love, prayers and emails. It means more than you could know.

I promise to return to my normal self-deprecating, sarcastic self tomorrow.



  1. THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS for you and your family!!!


  2. Hallelujah! Great news, sweetie! That, combined with your dad's incredibly-positive attitude will mean a winning prognosis....I just know it!

    Big hugs and kisses to both of you (and Bernie too)....YAY!

    xoxo kathryn

  3. I'm so happy to hear of your great news - hugs to everyone!

  4. Great news! You know it is all in the attitude. My dad beat stage 4 lung cancer that had spread. He is 15 years out. Tell him keep good thoughts!

  5. And long may it stay so. Delighted for you all.

  6. Great news about your dad! I'm dancing a Rumspringa jig for you!

  7. YAHOOOOO! What GREAT news!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for all of you!

    Thanks for letting us know.

    X ya!

  8. Yeah! Go Chrissy, it's your Birthday....go Chrissy....it's your Birthday! (I know it's not really, but the song and dance seemed appropriate)

  9. Hi! I'm someone new to your blog and what a glad news for a first post for me! Convey my well wishes to your dad. He does have "a long road ahead".

  10. Great news. Convey my wishes and prayers :)

  11. Great news! Love your Amish girl analogy!

  12. so glad to hear you dad is doing better! That picture made me laugh son much.. you should watch "Sex Drive" if you haven't already

  13. Good good good!


  14. happy days miz stripper
    enjoy the days ahead

  15. Great news, Chrissy. Keep hangin' in.

  16. @Stacie's Madness,
    Thanks, Stacie. We're very excited!

    Thanks for all your support through this. xoxo

    @Travel Girl,
    Thanks so much!

    @Lee the Hot Flash Queen,
    Thanks, that's so wonderful about your Dad! That's just what I needed to hear.

    Thanks so much!

  17. @CatLadyLarew,
    Thanks! Aw, what the heck, have a beer, too! :-)

    Thanks, we couldn't have asked for more.

    No, it was perfect! :-)

    Thank you for your well wishes and welcome!

    I will, thanks so much!

    Thanks! Not sure why these things just pop into my head.

    Thank you! No, I haven't seen that. I'll have to check it out.

    @Funny Girl,
    Thank you, my dear!

    yes, yes, yes. Thanks! :-)

    Thank you. We sure will!

    Thanks so much. :-)

    @Grumpy, M.D.,
    It sure is. Thanks!

  18. Chrissy thats such great news!!! Im so glad to hear that!!

  19. Hi Crissy,

    Sorry, I haven't read your blog to read about the news of your dad... I'm really sorry to hear about his diagnosis of cancer but relieved to hear that it hasn't spread! That is GREAT news! I am sending hugs and positive energy your dad's way and to your family!

  20. Glad your Dad is better than expected, Chrissy.

  21. @JW.BW,
    Thanks, Jessi!

    Thanks so much for the love. :-)

    Thank you. We're thrilled!


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