Sunday start over

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I know. I know....
I've been bad. I've neglected everyone. I haven't written a blog post and I haven't read any in almost a month. If it's any consolation, I've been an equal opportunity neglector, if that's even a word. I only saw one friend during the holidays and spent 15 minutes with another when I dropped off her children's presents on Christmas Eve.
There's so much to talk about and I've made notes along the way so I don't forget any of the details for you. I was ready to jump back in until around Christmas when I got sick. SUPER sick, like I was when I left my job at the hospital in the spring. The last of it is still hanging on but at least I'm able to sleep for 7 hours straight without feeling like I'm coughing up a lung.
I hope you all had wonderful holidays spent with family and friends and I'll be stopping by all your blogs to catch up during the winter blast that we're getting in the next few days!



  1. So glad to see you back, Chrissy! And I totally understand, this past Christmas holiday was the same for me, so BUSY.

    Yup...we got hit with a TON of snow last Thursday. The next day, the temps dropped down so low, the snow turned to icy glaciers. It's all pretty much gone now, however, the streets and sidewalks are VERY slippery because of the ice.

    X to you and the gang!

    Happy New Year!!!!

    1. Thanks, Ron! I knew you would be able to relate.

      I think we'll both be getting slammed with snow again. Be careful on those sidewalks! I slipped on a patch that had ice under the snow.

      Happy New Year!

  2. Have missed ya, Cant wait to catch up.

    Sorry you were so sick. Glad to hear you still have the lungs tho.

    No snow here yet. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday. Prolly a 1/4 inch. Will shut the city down.

    Take care.

    1. I've missed your southern sensibilities, too! Thanks, just feeling closer to normal today. Of course, the subzero temps will probably send me back a few steps.

      Ha ha! You guys are wimps. (she said, secretly envying their warm climate.

  3. Hope that all is better. Glad you are back and blogging. Missed you!


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